u shaped raised garden bed


Among the popular designs that are easily accessible at any point when gardening is building a u-shaped raised garden bed. It makes the task of tending to your garden easier since you can easily move around and make sure to give all plants attention.  Unlike a rectangular shaped raised bed, this alternative will need less effort in reaching across the […]

metal and wood raised garden beds


There are various materials that you can use when building your raised garden beds. Among the popular ones nowadays is the combination of metal and wood. It is a contemporary style for your garden unlike the usual wood garden beds you’ll see elsewhere.  why opt for wood and metal raised garden bed?  For many, the combination of metal […]

what to plant in a 4×4 raised garden bed


For some people, a 4×4 raised garden bed may seem small. However, you can maximize the production of various crops in a small space with the proper application of the principles in square foot gardening.   Following this method, you have to divide the garden bed into 12 inches or 1-foot squares. Each square will hold a different plant.  Spacing requirements should still be followed but you […]

log raised garden bed


A raised garden bed is an ideal solution for those with shallow soil and who wants to plant. Raised beds are usually made of wood lumber, stone, durable fabric, bricks, galvanized metal, cinder blocks, concrete, and logs.   One of the best things about a log raised garden bed is that it gives you better control over the quality, texture, and […]

what to plant in a raised garden bed

As you are preparing your raised bed, you must also start to think about what to plant in a raised garden bed. You’ll have to consider what you want to plant since it will also be a factor to consider when you are still building your garden and filling it with soil.  A basic rule of thumb when it comes […]

how tall should a raised garden bed be

Aside from the length and width of raised garden beds, it is also important that you also consider how tall should a raised garden bed be. There are certain factors that you must consider thinking about to determine the height of your raised beds.  There’s a standard measurement needed for the height of your raised bed. However, considering important aspects when gardening, […]

best size for raised garden beds

There is no best size for raised garden beds, but you should have some ideas in mind on the size of the beds if you’re planning to build them. You can put the bed anywhere in your backyard as long as it can get at least eight hours of sunlight.  For starters, you should learn first the standard size of traditional rectangular raised […]

how to plant a raised garden bed

Raised bed gardening has been a popular way of growing vegetables and even flowers. This is a common practice done by those with a small space but wants to build a vegetable garden. Also, it is highly recommended for those without a source of good soil and has poor drainage for their plants.  Unlike regular gardening, raised bed gardening is […]

concrete block raised garden bed design inspirations that you can try

Planning to build a raised garden is interesting especially when you use concrete blocks. Using concrete or cinder blocks in bed gardening allows you to be more creative to make your garden look more attractive while being productive.  This DIY garden is more fun to do whether you are planning to make raised flower gardens or raised […]

is it possible to create a concrete block raised garden bed?

When it comes to the lack of gardening spaces, building your raised garden beds is among the most convenient solutions you can choose. Some use treated lumber, others use hardwood, and some build a concrete block raised garden bed.  Raised gardens are popular among gardeners with limited gardening space because these are cost-efficient, require less work, and enable gardeners to grow a […]